How Harris Smelling Salts can help you hit your next PB!

Author: Harris Stability Systems  

What are Smelling Salts and How Do They Work?

Smelling salts are an ammonia compound inhaled through the nose to increase alertness, focus and energy.

Salts started out as a first aid staple, but have evolved into a performance and cognitive enhancer used by athletes everywhere.

Smelling salts help athletes get their head in the game, to run harder, and even increase strength for a short period of time.

According to claims for top athletes, smelling salts work and work very well!

What’s it like Using Smelling Salts?

When placed by the nose, the ammonia gas irritates mucus membranes and triggers an inhalation reflex with causes a surge of oxygen into the lungs, bloodstream and body.

Smelling salts are like a shot of adrenaline – causing wakefulness, increased energy and focus. It’s like getting slapped in the face.

However, the effects of smelling salts are short lived, only lasting a few minutes. But that’s plenty of time to crush a heavy set or hit a new PR.


Are Smelling Salts Bad for You?

Also, ammonia gas is toxic in high doses but smelling salts produce a very little amount of ammonia gas which is not enough to be harmful. In fact, no adverse health problems from using smelling salts have been documented by any scientific research.

Smelling salts can be unpleasant and might sting, burn or irritate your nasal passage.

I would keep the huffing to a minimum. Even though your body can deal with low doses of ammonia gas pretty easily. Long term, or prolonged use could cause health problems.

There are no documented side effects but we recommend definite use sparingly and err on the side of caution. These increase your repertory. Could cause you to over exert yourself and you could get hurt.



How often should you use smelling salts?

Our advice would be to use them sparingly. Maybe once a week or less. Use them for when you’re going to try to hit a new Personal Record or really need a boost to get over a hump.