Stacey Nowlan

Name: Stacey Nowlan
Born: Nimbin, NSW. Australia.
Specialty: U62kg Strongwoman/Powerlifting
Top lifts: Held the Australian Monster Dumbbell record in 2019.
Powerlifting Australia - S: 140kg B: 75kg D: 175kg.
How did you get started in the sport?
I’ve always been into sport, as a kid I swam, surfed, played footy etc and as I got older I missed the feeling of competitive sport.. After I had my son I started coaching in a Powerlifting gym and I instantly fell in love with the way lifting heavy made me feel not only physically but mentally too and I haven’t ever looked back. After a few years in powerlifting I found Strongman and it was love at first lift all over again. Now I dabble in both!
Proudest sporting achievement?
Holding an Australian Strongman record. Winning a cool sword after being crowned the SEQ U62kg Champion and Placing 3rd in the Australian Strongman Nationals after only competing twice in the sport.
What are your competitive goals in the next 5 years?
For 2020 I have secured a spot to compete in the Arnold’s AU, Strongman Nationals and I guess from there just Grow bigger, stronger, faster and fitter.
Why choose Harris?
Because if you want to be the best you need to be protected by the best. Harris gear gives me the confidence that I need to get through heavy competitions and training. From deadlifts to stones to overhead pressing my body is protected by Harris!